Калцирол-D – течен витамин Д , 100% усвоим



Алтернатива на Calcirol  от Айдеялабс

1. Vitamin D, the anabolic switch?

2. Plausible ergogenic effects of vitamin D on athletic performance and recovery

3. Vitamin K And D Reverse Muscle Aging, May Act Like Sports Doping Agents

4. Vitamin D Inhibits The Deactivation Of Androgens

5. Androgens (DHT, T) Treat Prostate Cancer, Especially When Combined With Vitamin D

6. Endocrine Press | Endocrine Society

7. OrgaNext Research: Addition of Vitamin D Improves Safety Profile of Nandrolone

8. http://www.boneandjoint.org.uk/content/jbjsbr/84-B/4/497.full.pdf

9. Vitamin D Reduces Cortisol In Humans By 40%

10. Vitamin D “as Good As Drugs” In Lowering Blood Pressure

11. Sunlight And Aspirin Can Treat Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

12. Vitamin D discovery outpaces FDA decision making. – PubMed – NCBI

“…During our molecular modeling of the actions of ARBs upon the nuclear receptors,(32) and our subsequent presentation to the FDA,(33) we were struck by the symmetry with which endogenous ligands exhibited very similar affinities across several members of the type 1 nuclear receptor family. For example, 1,25-D docked into the VDR with a (nanomolar) Kd of 8.48, but also exhibited a Kd of 8.12 into the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), 8.41 into the thyroid-alpha-1 receptor (ThRa) and 8.05 into the androgen receptor (AR) (all Kd values were computed using XSCORE(69,70)). Similar high affinities were found with 25-D, which yielded Kd values of 8.36, 8.17, 8.32 and 8.07, respectively. It would seem that activation of this subset of receptors is achieved by a delicate balance between the concentrations of a number of endogenous hormones.”

13. Dysregulation of the vitamin D nuclear receptor may contribute to the higher prevalence of some autoimmune diseases in women. – PubMed – NCBI

14. Investigating Transdermal Delivery of Vitamin D3

“…Transdermal delivery of therapeutic amounts of vitamin D3 is proposed to overcome its variable oral bioavailability, especially for people who suffer from fat malabsorption. The main challenge for this delivery route is to overcome the barrier properties of skin, especially for very lipophilic compounds such as vitamin D3. In this study, the effect of different penetration enhancers, such as oleic acid, dodecylamine, ethanol, oleic acid in propylene glycol, isopropyl myristate, octyldodecanol, and oleyl alcohol in propylene glycol were evaluated in vitro for their effectiveness in delivering vitamin D3 through polyamide filter, polydimethylsiloxane membrane, and porcine skin. A diffusion cell was used to study the transdermal permeability of vitamin D3. Ointment formulations of vitamin D3 were prepared containing the most widely used penetration enhancers, oleic acid, and dodecylamine. The ointment containing oleic acid as chemical penetration enhancer did not improve delivery compared to control. On the other hand, the formulation containing dodecylamine as a penetration enhancer did improve the transdermal delivery of vitamin D3. However, statistical significance and an amount high enough for nutritional supplementation purposes were reached only when the skin was pretreated with 50% ethanol. In these conditions, the ointment delivered an amount of 760-ng vitamin D3 per cm2 of skin. The research shows promise that transdermal delivery could be an effective administration route for vitamin D3 when ethanol and dodecylamine are used as penetration enhancers.”

“…Based on the recommended daily dose of vitamin D3 (400 IU or 10 μg) and the results of this study, delivery of the recommended daily dose could potentially be achieved by covering a surface of skin of 3.6 ×3.6 cm with vitamin D3 ointment containing both ethanol and dodecylamine. Although these results have only been demonstrated for porcine skin, it is possible that similar results will be obtained in vivo in humans since porcine skin is known to be the best alternative to human skin for in vitro testing of transdermal delivery. This research suggests that transdermal delivery could be an effective way for humans to receive the recommended daily dose of vitamin D3. Transdermal delivery of vitamin D3 could be especially helpful for people who suffer from fat malabsorption.”

15. Vitamin D is hormone with progesterone-like activity.


16. Vitamin D in Oxidative Stress and Diseases | IntechOpen

17. https://www.researchgate.net/public…ll_signalling_stability_in_health_and_disease



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