Както Рей Пийт е обсъждал многократно в интервютата си и повечето хора знаят от първа ръка, излагането на FL (флуоресцентно осветление) наистина не е приятно. За съжаление, това е основното осветление в повечето административни сгради, включително болници и детски градини. Използването на FL в жилищните сгради също е широко разпространено. Въпреки буквално милионите хора, които се оплакват от главоболие, проблеми със зрението, разстройства на съня и др. Излагането на FL увеличава риска от заболявания като диабет, рак и т.н. Отговорните за широкото разпространение на този тип осветление на обществени места смятат, че това са по-скоро хипохондрични опасения. Изследването по-долу обаче показва, че FL наистина предизвиква силна възпалителна реакция при редица различни генетични видове. Твърде вероятно е този ефект от излагането на FL да бъде запазен и при по-висши видове като хората.
“… Herein, we extend previous observations of fish skin to investigation of FL-induced genetic effects within internal organs (i.e., brain and liver). We provide head-to-head comparisons of FL-induced modulation of gene expression among two fish species (i.e., zebrafish and medaka) with each other, and with the hairless mouse (Mus musculus). The fish species utilized (medaka and zebrafish) are diurnal vertebrates originally derived from Japan and India, respectively, with an estimated divergence of ≈115 My [31,32,33]. The mouse, a nocturnal rodent, has an estimated ≈450 My of divergence from the common ancestor that led to the fishes [34,35]. All animals were similarly exposed to FL (4100 K), and the transcriptional response in skin, brain, and liver organs compared after processing of RNA-Seq data. Our findings suggest the primary response to FL is extraordinarily well-conserved among these three highly divergent species. This suggests the gene expression changes that occur after light exposure may be due to ancient genetic circuitry that has remained embedded within the vertebrate genome.”
“…We present results that assessed changes in gene expression patterns due to FL exposure in zebrafish and medaka fishes, and in hairless mice. Following FL exposure, RNA from skin, brain, and liver was utilized for RNA-Seq, and gene expression was validated with NanoString nCounter assays. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs), due to the FL exposure, were utilized in functional analyses to identify FL-affected biological pathways for comparison.All organs, in all three animals, respond to FL by modulating pathways leading to inflammation and immune responses. These conserved genetic responses involved induction of the acute phase response (APR) in all organs of the fish species, and mouse skin and brain. The pathways affected by FL are regulated primarily by TNF and IL1B and are predicted to induce APR, leading to inflammation and immune responses. The only exception was the mouse liver, that showed suppression in the same APR pathways that were activated in the other organs examined. APR suppression in the mouse liver may be due to a nocturnal metabolism keeping the liver out of phase with FL exposure. Collectively, the conserved FL genetic response in both fishes and mice appear due to cellular perception of oxidative stress. These data suggest the primary response to FL is extraordinarily well-conserved among highly divergent species, representing both diurnal and nocturnal lifestyles, and; therefore, deeply embedded within the vertebrate genome.”
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