Както много читатели вече знаят, една от ужасяващите истории, които Big Pharma разпространява относно аспирина е, че той увеличава рисковете от кръвоизливи в гастроинтестиналния тракт и мозъка. Преди няколко години публикувах две изследвания, които доказват точно противното. Тези изследвания не бяха публикувани в мейнстрийм медиите. Изследването по-долу също защитава защитните ефекти срещу кръвоизливи, които аспиринът несъмнено притежава. Надявам се, че тези новини най-накрая ще преобърнат отношението на медицинските „специалисти“ относно аспирина.
“…The findings “are reassuring for survivors of brain hemorrhage who need to take antiplatelet [anti-clotting] medicines to prevent heart attacks and strokes. I am keen to [further] investigate the possibility that these medicines might halve the risk of brain hemorrhage happening again,” said study author Rustam Salman, from the Center for Clinical Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland.”
“…Taking aspirin or anti-clotting medicines like Plavix won’t boost the risk of another stroke if you’ve already survived a bleeding stroke, a new study suggests. In fact, they might even help guard against a second brain bleed, the researchers noted. The findings “are reassuring for survivors of brain hemorrhage who need to take antiplatelet [anti-clotting] medicines to prevent heart attacks and strokes. I am keen to [further] investigate the possibility that these medicines might halve the risk of brain hemorrhage happening again,” said study author Rustam Salman, from the Center for Clinical Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland.”
“…The important take away from this study is that there was no significant difference between the groups in the rate of recurrent intracranial hemorrhage or major hemorrhagic events,” said Dr. Andrew Rogove, medical director of stroke services at Northwell Health’s Southside Hospital in Bay Shore, N.Y. The researchers also found that taking anti-clotting drugs was not more hazardous for patients who’d had microbleeds in the brain, which can be a warning sign of future strokes.”
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